1692 – the 14 huts of Lakkou skiti

In my previous posts about skiti Lakkou I mentioned the 14 huts that recently have been renovated and inhabited again. According to father Gabriel they only are allowed to build new houses at the place where a ruin of an old house stood. In other words, old houses can be pulled down or can be renovated, but it is not allowed to build a new house on a new spot.

The gerontas of the 14 huts are:
1. Father Pimen (at the highest spot, icon painters)
2. Father Dimitrios (a hut with twins)
3. Father Partenios
4. Father Pavlos
5. Father Antonios
6. Father Isidor (the hut were we slept)
7. Father Paisios (the house with the roses)
8. Father Stefan (the rich villa)
9. Father Rafael (the oldest monk)
9A. Father Dossefte
10. Father Nicolai
10. Father Simeon
12. Father Eftimios (big white building near Morfonou)
13?. Father Joan (the new hut)
A. Kyriakon
B. Ossuary

Thanks Brother Valentin from Rumenia for sharing your recent input (see the comments). Wim, 16/3/2017

In September 2014 I got the chance of photographing almost every hut, except for nrs 11 and 12 (although we passed them om our way to Provata).

Hut nr 14 is stil under construction and by mistake I forgot the number the old hut near the church (A), so I numbered it 9A on the new plan below.

First I show the map with the numbers 1 to 9A:

Lakkou 01

Here are the pictures of the different houses of Lakkou:

01 DSCN5121 (Large)Hut nr 1

02 DSCN5132 (Large)hut nr 2: seen from above

02 DSCN5133 (Large)hut nr 2: climbing down the steps was not easy!

02 DSCN5134Gabriel jumping down02 SAM_0935 (Large)Hut nr 2

03 DSCN5081 (Large)Hut nr 3

04 DSCN5070 (Large)                         04 SAM_0883hut nr 4

05 SAM_0885hut nr 5

06 SAM_0884 (Large)hut nr 6: the place were we slept. Below some more pictures of this hut:

06 SAM_0889 (Large)        06 DSCN5154 (Large)

06 DSCN5106 (Large)        06 DSCN5077 (Large)

06 DSCN5077

06 DSCN5157 (Large)          06 SAM_0891 (Large)In front of the kitchen and the dining room of hut nr 6

07 DSCN5098 (Large)hut nr 7

07 SAM_0899 (Large)Hut nr 7

07 SAM_0900 (Large)These thick walls had to be build because the house was threathened by the waters running in the river below: it almost glided down, according to Gabriel!

08 SAM_0902 (Large)Hut nr 8: the most beautiful “villa” I ever saw on Athos: new, modern and spacious, with a big garden around it.

08 DSCN5151 (Large)08 DSCN5099 (Large)          08 SAM_0903 (Large)

09 SAM_0933 (Large)hut nr 9

09 DSCN5130 (Large)hut nr 9

09A DSCN5104 (Large)hut nr 9A: one of the older houses (not renovated yet).

NB. Hut nr 9A is added later to the Google map above (I overlooked it).

09A DSCN5107 (Large)hut nr 9A: in black and white

Lakkou detail 2.1kopie

10 DSCN5158 (Large)hut nr 10: although we did have a look, I only made a picture of the fence (!). Hut nr 11 is not on photo.

12 DSCN5160 (Large)hut nr 12, a little futher up the hill, in the direction of Morfonou. We didn’t climb to this hut.

12 SAM_0958 (Large)hut nr 12

I also did not take a picture of the new hut they were building in the neighbourhood of the church (see ? on the first map above). Father Gabriel also showed us some ruins of old houses lying in the dark dence forrest. Here an example of an old house:

DSCN5103 (Large)I will finish with a picture of the Antiathonas top: it was time to move on, after a “tour”of 1,5 hours.  The following day we would take one of finest monopati’s I ever walked on the Holy Mountain! Next time more!

DSCN5159 (Large)

Wim Voogd, 8/3 (and Happy Birthday Jan Paul)

If you want to know more about small Rumenian convents on Athos, read this and if you can read Rumenian, go to this site ,where I found the postcard of Lakkou.lakkou Schitul-Sf.-Dimitrie14

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10 Responses to 1692 – the 14 huts of Lakkou skiti

  1. Cristian says:

    Is it not Fr. Stefan at hut no. 5? On the other hand congrats for the very interesting blog and maybe you will be in the position (you know why !) to attend the liturgy. Or maybe you are already doing this 🙂

    • Emil says:

      Fr. Stefan is the superior of hut no. 5… I have been there a few days ago… Thank you guys for the map, it was a real help for my days of hiking in the Lakkou labyrinth 🙂

  2. Valentin-Lucian BELOIU says:

    I want to make a few corrections:
    5 – Fr. Stefan
    7 – Fr. Pavel
    8 – Fr Paisie (Rogojan)
    A – Kiriacon
    B – Ossuary
    I’ll come back with a list!

  3. Valentin-Lucian BELOIU says:

    Follow long ago articles on this site.
    I make pilgrimages from 9 years in Holy Mountain, 2 or 3 by year.
    I often visited the Skete Lakkou.
    Reading the article about Romanian Skete Lakkou we observed some errors.
    I want to make a few corrections.
    Correct list of of the cells is :
    1. Father Pimen (at the highest spot, icon painters) (Ro)
    2. Father Dimitrios (a hut with twins) (Ro)
    3. Father Partenios (Ro)
    4. Father Antonios (Ro)
    5. Father Stefan (the rich villa) (Ro)
    6. Father Isidor (the hut were we slept) (Ro)
    7. Father Pavlos (Ro)
    8. Father Paisios (Rogojan) (the house with the roses) (Ro)
    9. Father Dossefte (Ro)
    9A. Serbian cell (possible Father Simeon) (??) (Serbia)
    10. Greek cell, (possible Father Nicolai) (??) (Gr)
    11. Father Nicanor (Ro)
    12. Greek cell, (possibleFather Eftimios) (big white building near Morfonou) (??) (Gr)
    13. Father Joan (the new hut) (??)
    A. Kiriakon (large church Skete) (father Bartholomew) (Ro)
    B. Ossuary of the Skete (Ro)
    I know nothing about – Father Rafael (the oldest monk), and Father Joan (the new hut)
    Source of this information is the father Bartholomew (my dear friend) from Kiriakon (large church Skete)
    Next week I go back to the Holy Mountain and question marks have to check the list.
    In return I to share with you new information.

    Best regards
    Brother Valentin, Phd. Soc., Psih., Bucharest, Romania

  4. Nathaniel says:

    I would like to complete this description with the names of cells:
    1. Cell of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary at the Temple (Chiliei „Intrarea Maicii Domnului în Biserică”)
    2. Cell of the Life-giving Spring (Chilia „Izvorul Tămăduirii”)
    3. Cell of All the Saints and Fathers of Mount Athos (Chilia „Tuturor Sfinţilor Athoniţi”)
    4. Cell of Saint Antony the Great (Chilia „Sfântul Antonie cel Mare”)
    5. Cell of the Annunciation to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Chiliei „Buna Vestire”)
    6. Cell of the Intercession of the Theotokos (Chilia „Acoperământul Maicii Domnului”)
    7. Cell of the Assumption of Mary (Chiliei „Adormirea Maicii Domnulu”)
    8. Cell of the Ascension of our Lord (Chilia „Înălţarea Domnului”)
    9. Cell of St. Nicholas (Chilia „Sfântul Ierarh Nicolae”)
    9А. ?
    10. Cell of Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Paraclisul Chiliei „Naşterea Maicii Domnului”)
    11. Cell of the Prophet Elijah (Chilia „Sfântul Prooroc Ilie”)
    12. Cell of the Meeting of the Lord (Chilia „Întâmpinarea Domnulu”))
    13 ?.
    А. Kyriakon of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius (Kiriakonul „Sfântul Mare Mucenic Dimitrie”)

  5. japetusgr says:

    A recent sketch/map from a romanian guide to Mt.Athos with contact information for each hut:

  6. Vali Beloiu says:

    A complete map.

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